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Pressed Salad with Sprouts & Flower




Piece of Cabbage

1 apple

Sauerkraut of red cabbage

Mung bean sprouts

Toasted Sunflower & Pumpkin Seeds

Lemon zest
Umeboshi Vinegar

Nasturtium Flowers
Black Pepper
Olive Oil


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1.Chop finely the cabbage and grate the apple. Add 1tbsp of Umeboshi Vinegar to the vegetables and mix well with your hands. Press the vegetables until juice starts to come out. You will see the volume of cabbage will diminish. 

2. Place some weight on the cabbage and apple. For instance you can put a plate on top and some fruit. You can leave like so for a couple of hours. Or you can skip this step and continue making the salad

3. Add the sauerkraut, the sprouts, the seeds, lemon zest and the rest of ingredients.

4. Decorate with some flowers.



Nutritional & Energetic Notes


Pressed Salads are a fantastic way to prepare vegetables. The method used means that the vegetables are not completely raw but they maintain the freshness and bite. They are ideal for spring or autumn. 


You can use carrots, radish and other type of sprouts from lentils or chickpeas... 


It is very easy to make your own creation and prepare a beautiful and delicious salad.


If you don't have umeboshi vinegar you could use apple vinegar instead or sea salt. 





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